Our Services

Our Services

We Enable Data-Backed Decision-Making for Our Clients by Offering Quality Solutions.

Business Intelligence

PharmaScroll’s Business Intelligence solutions empower users to mine complex data using extensive data extraction techniques, analyze the data to generate insights, visualize data in a more meaningful way using advanced visualization tools, have access to real time dashboards to eliminate the need of ad-hoc manual reporting, and make relevant and informed business decisions based on comprehensive data backed analysis.

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Business Intelligence

Social Media Analytics

PharmaScroll has access to over 5 million patient and physician conversations, which are analysed using complex AI/ML and NLP algorithms, with minimal manual intervention, to derive multiple actionable insights for Brands. The firm extracts the patient and physician conversations from multiple social media channels including Twitter, Facebook and from Patient forums including Reddit, Inspire, Health Unlocked, WebMd, and others.

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Social Media Analytics

Market Research

PharmaScroll apart from the standard market research reports also offers customised consulting services for its clients and customers. Our consulting services are comprehensive and research-based and would help our clients to overcome market challenges and generate real-time market insights for the key business questions they would like to understand.

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Market Research

Competitive Intelligence

PharmaScroll offers a broad range of Competitive Intelligence services starting from regular Ongoing monitoring and CI alerts to extensive conference coverage, using various primary, secondary and social media listening sources, to address specific requirements of the business. Our competitive intelligence services enable our customers to stay informed of the key market updates and remain ahead of the competition at any given time.

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Competitive Intelligence


PharmaScroll offers comprehensive forecasting services tailored to meet your specific business requirements. We offer flexible engagement models designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. For internal teams seeking ongoing support, our Forecast service provides dedicated expertise in modelling, forecasting, and scenario testing through full-time equivalent (FTE) based engagements. For project-based needs, our Forecast service evaluates the brand's potential under scrutiny, delivering revenue potential for the brand to drive informed decision making.

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